Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My First Poke at Chinese Paper Cutting

So, here it is, my first poke at chinese paper cutting.

Of all the chinese folk arts, I wanted to learn chinese paper cutting the most. Its wonder lies in the possibility of creating one of the most imaginative and intriguing depiction of life. For example, I have seen masterpieces that look like they were painted, but were actually paper cut by masters of this art.I cannot post up any examples of what I'm talking of because I don't own any. Wait till I reach this stage. (=P)

Chinese New Year is approcahing and I am SOOOOOO excited!!! I will be using this "new" folk art that I learn to decorate my house! I will post pictures of this soon!


iLLusion said...

Hiii YiMing!!! Linked you!! XD

YiMing said...
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YiMing said...

Thank you!!! Happy Chinese New Year to you Winshi! hope you don't get fat! =P haha.